Thursday, December 01, 2005

Auntie Katya

It's weird to think of myself as an aunt (and a godparent). I spent all of a few hours with Baby Alex once he was actually born, so I guess that's not surprising. I've been staring at his pictures since I got home, though, trying to catch a glimpse of his personality through his facial expressions. I particularly love the one on Erich's blog where Dawn is holding him immediately after birth, and he's staring up at her with a look of awe. Priceless.

Here's one from right before Xon and I left for the airport to come home. Yep, that's my Datya.


At 10:36 PM, Blogger Palisca said...

So is Alex going to have a cousin anytime soon?

BTW Is there anyway you can send me your email? Sorry, I am new to this blogging thing

At 8:20 AM, Blogger Katie @ Frugal Femina said...

Not after I saw Datya's labor! ;-)

I suppose I will get over that eventually... I always thought I would have kids before her, but I just don't have the baby itch yet.


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